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Delete, Void, or Edit a Multi-Matter Operating Transaction

Occasionally, you may need to delete, void, or edit a pre-existing multi-matter hard-cost operating transaction. Please take caution when undertaking these actions, as they can impact your General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, and WIP reports.

Deleting a Multi-Matter Operating Transaction

Deleting a multi-matter operating transaction with unbilled matter expenses deletes the associated expense cards from the matter. The system will not allow you to delete the transaction if any of the matter expenses have been billed. 

For billed matter expenses, you will have to edit the associated invoices and remove the expenses from them before you will be able to delete the operating transaction.   

Voiding a Multi-Matter Operating Transaction 

The void function is only available for firm expense operating transactions. This means that you may not void a multi-matter hard cost operating transaction until you have edited it and unlinked/deleted every single matter expense and replaced each of them with firm expense. 

Editing a Multi-Matter Operating Transaction

How you remove a matter expense from an operating transaction depends on whether the expense has been billed, and whether you want the expense card to remain on the matter as a soft cost expense.


  • Unlinking a matter expense will remove it from the transaction and store it as a Soft Cost expense in the matter.
  • Deleting an expense will delete it from the transaction and matter entirely. A deleted expense cannot be retrieved.

To unlink/delete an unbilled expense:

    1. From the left navigation panel, click Banking.
    2. Click the Bank account to highlight it, and scroll down to view the associated Transactions.
    3. Highlight the Hard Cost with a single click, then click on the three dots to the right.
    4. From the drop-down menu, choose ‘Edit.’
    5. The Edit screen opens.
    6. Check the box next to the expense and click Actions.
    7. A drop-down menu will appear to Delete, Unlink, or Undo. Choose the desired option.
    8. The system will update accordingly.
    9. Add or edit expenses until the remaining amount is 0.00.  
    10. Once the remaining amount is 0.00, click Save. 

Note: If you are editing the transaction in preparation for voiding it, allocate the entire transaction amount to firm expenses only.

Before you can unlink/delete a billed matter expense you must edit the associated Invoice and remove the expense from it. Once the expense is unbilled, you can follow the steps above to Unlink/Delete Unbilled Matter Expense.

WarningEditing a paid or unpaid invoice impacts many reports in the system, including your GL, Balance Sheet, and Profit & Loss. It is highly recommended that you talk to your bookkeeper or accountant before editing an invoice.

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