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Apply a Discount to an Invoice or an Invoice Line Item

You can apply a discount to an invoice or an invoice line item when creating or editing an invoice.

Discount a New Invoice

To apply a discount to an invoice you are generating:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Matters.
  2. On the Matters screen, double-click a matter to select it or click on the three dots (kebab menu) at the end of the row and from the drop-down, click Edit.
  3. Scroll down to the Matters Details section and from the tabs atop the section, click Billing.
  4. From the tabs atop the Billing screen, click Invoice.
  5. From the tabs atop the Invoice screen, Click Add Invoice.
  6. On the Add Invoice screen, a little more than halfway down the screen, find the Invoice Settings section.
  7. In the Discount field, take the appropriate action:
    • Leave the Discount drop-down set to Percent. In the field to the right of the drop-down, enter the appropriate percentage as a whole number. For example, enter 20 for a 20% discount.
    • From the Discount drop-down, select Fixed. In the field to the right of the drop-down, enter the fixed amount.
  8. Click outside of the field.
    CosmoLex calculates the discount and adjusts the Total Invoice Amount.
  9. Click Generate.

Discount an Existing Invoice

To apply a discount to an existing invoice:

  1. Navigate to either Matter Details > Billing or Billing > Invoices.
  2. Click the invoice to highlight it, then click on the three dots (kebab menu) at the end of the row and from the drop-down, click Edit.
  3. Scroll down to Invoice Settings.
  4. In the Discount field, take the appropriate action:
    • Leave the Discount drop-down set to Percent. In the field to the right of the drop-down, enter the appropriate percentage as a whole number. For example, enter 20 for a 20% discount.
    • From the Discount drop-down, select Fixed. In the field to the right of the drop-down, enter the fixed amount.
  5. Click outside of the field.
    CosmoLex calculates the discount and adjusts the Total Invoice Amount.
  6. Click Generate.
    The screen displays the new Invoice Amount and Invoice Balance.

Your Discount will appear on the invoice as follows:

Important: To change an invoice that you have delivered, or to waive a remaining balance, see Change or Write Off an Invoice.

Discount Line Items

To discount individual line items, create an entry with a negative value. For example, enter the amount as (-20.00) to offset a $20.00 item.

Note: This will work for hourly matters only.

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Matters.
  2. On the Matters screen, single-click the matter to highlight it, then click on the three dots at the end of the row and from the drop-down, click Add Timecard.
  3. On the Add Timecard window that opens, complete your timecard.
  4. In the Rate/Price section, enter the amount as a negative value.
  5. Use the Rate Type field’s drop-down to click Flat Fee.
  6. Click Save. See Add a Flat Fee Timecard to an Hourly Matter.
We recommend this practice only if:
  • A discount is needed for a particular biller’s time or fee.
  • Tracking fee per timekeeper is important.

This will also show on the Timekeeper’s billed fee reports.

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