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Edit a Hard Cost

Hard cost expenses involve merging an operating bank account transaction (accounting) with a matter expense card (billing), making the process of editing such expenses intricate. The suitable course of action depends on which transaction element you intend to modify.

Important: Altering the details of a hard-cost expense is not possible. Instead, delete the expense from the existing matter and insert a new hard-cost expense for the updated matter.

Edit an Unbilled Hard Cost

Note: Data associated with the transaction amount and payee can only be edited from

  • Banking > Account > Edit Operating Transaction
  • Matters > Banking > Transaction > Edit Operating Transaction.

Modifications can be made to the Timekeeper, Expense Title, or Description.

To edit an unbilled hard cost expense:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Matters.
  2. Double-click on the specific matter, and scroll down to access and review the matter details.
  3. Select the Billing option from the navigation menu.
  4. The Time/Expense screen displays the hard-cost expenses associated with the matter.
  5. Highlight it with a single click, then click on the three dots to the right of the expense. From the drop-down menu, choose ‘Edit.’
  6. In the Edit Expense screen, make your edits.
  7. Click Save on the top.

Edit a Billed Hard Cost

Caution: Firms using accrual basis accounting should use the Change/Write-off function to change billed items.

Note: You cannot edit or delete a billed expense card. You must first ‘Unlink’ the expense from its invoice and then follow the steps to edit an unbilled expense.

To unlink an expense from its invoice:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Matters.
  2. Double-click on the specific matter, and scroll down to access and review the matter details.
  3. From the Matter Details navigation, click Billing.
  4. From the tabs atop, click Invoice. Here you’ll see all of the matter’s invoices.
  5. Highlight the invoice with a single click, then click on the three dots to the right of the invoice. From the drop-down menu, choose ‘Unfinalize Invoice.’
  6. The Unfinal Invoice message box reads: Do you want to proceed? Click Yes.
  7. With that invoice still highlighted, from the toolbar, click Edit.
  8. In the Edit Invoice screen, uncheck the box beside the desired expense.
  9. In the upper right corner, click Generate.
    The system generates an updated invoice and moves the expense to unbilled.

Edit a Paid Hard Cost

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Matters.
  2. Double-click on the specific matter, and scroll down to access and review the matter details.
  3. Select the Billing option from the navigation menu.
  4. Click on the Invoice Tab below.
  5. Click on the filter icon.

  6. Select Paid from the drop-down menu in the Status field. The screen will refresh to display the paid invoices.
  7. Highlight the invoice with a single click, then click on the three dots to the right of the invoice.
  8. From the drop-down menu, choose ‘Unfinalize Invoice.’
  9. The Unfinal Invoice message box reads: Do you want to proceed? Click Yes.
  10. With that invoice still highlighted, from the toolbar, click Edit.
  11. In the Edit Invoice screen, uncheck the box beside the desired expense.
  12. In the upper right corner, click Generate. The system generates an updated invoice and moves the expense to unbilled.
    • The invoice updates, unlinking the associated payment and adding it to the matter’s operating retainer balance.
    • The hard cost expense status updates to Unbilled.
  13. Follow the steps above to Edit an Unbilled Hard Cost.
  14. Eventually, generate a new invoice with the updated expense.

If the Hard Cost is already Billed or Paid, follow the previously mentioned steps to adjust the status to Unbilled.

To add, delete, or unlink the Matter from the Hard Cost:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Banking.
  2. Double-click on the specific Bank Account, and scroll down to access and review the matter details.
  3. By default, you’ll view the transactions from the selected Bank Account.
  4. Click the unbilled expense, then click on the three dots to the right and select Edit.
  5. Use this section to edit, delete, unlink, or add the transaction to a new matter expense, an existing matter expense, or a firm expense.
  6. Click Save.

Important: If you edit the transaction amount or make changes to the expenses on the screen, you have to ensure that the remaining amount is 0.00

Edit Make changes to the expense.
Unlink This action will eliminate the expense from the transaction, but it will be preserved as a soft cost within the client matter.
Delete This will remove expenses from the transaction and the matter as well.
Undo This will revert to the original state of the transaction.

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