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Trust Ledger Balance Report

This report shows trust ledger card balances as of the date selected. Apart from showing the total balance, the report also specifies what portion of that balance is cleared or uncleared.

To access the report, go to Reports > Trust > Trust Ledger Balance Report

Report Filters

  • Bank Account: Choose a trust account.
  • Matter Owner: Choose all matter owners or a specific matter owner.
  • Sort By: You can sort by Client Name, Client ID, Matter Owner, Matter, Matter File Number, or Sub Account Number.

Report Print Options

  • Dates: Choose a date, by clicking the drop-down arrow or choose Till Today, Till Last Month, Till Last Year.
  • Include zero balance ledger card: Check this box to also include ledgers with a zero balance. NOTE – this refers to the TOTAL trust balance for each client.
  • Separate by Matter Owner: Check this box to sort by matter owner.
  • Active Matters Only: Check this box to only report on active matters.
  • Show Cleared/Uncleared Balances: Check this box to include cleared/uncleared balance breakdown.
  • Apply page break between items: Check this box to apply a page break.


Click View to preview the report or to download, select the preferred format (Excel/PDF) and click Download.

Sample Report

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