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Fixed Fee Billing Reconciliation Report

This report shows fixed fee amounts and billed amounts to ensure all of your fixed fee matters are being billed in a timely manner.

To access the report, go to Reports > Collection > Fixed Fee Billing Reconciliation.

Report Filters

Matter Owner: Choose All Matter Owners or select a specific Matter Owner from the drop-down.

Matter Open Date:

  • Date Range: The date range options you have are Last Month, Last Year, This Month, and This Year, or you can select from the calendar drop-down to specify your date range.

Billing and Payment Dates:

  • Date Range: The date range options you have are All Dates, Last Month, Last Year, This Month, and This Year.


  • The boxes are checked by default. You can uncheck the box if you would like to exclude:
    • Fees Billed
    • Fees Collected
    • Cost Billed
    • Cost Collected
  • Exclude Matters Billed in Full: Checked by default. If you wish to include matters billed in full uncheck the box.


Click View to preview the report or to download, select the preferred format (Excel/pdf) and click Download.

Sample Report 


Sample first page of report
Sample last page of report


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