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Invoice Screen Field Descriptions

These tables include field definitions for the invoice screen sections.

From Matters

Enter Info Section

Field Description
Invoice #
  • The application automatically generates an invoice number for you.
  • If you want to override the number, enter the desired figure.
  • The application does not permit duplicate invoice numbers.
Invoice Date
  • Defaults to today’s date
  • Displays on the invoice
  • Editable field
Due Date
  • The due date determines when the invoice becomes past due per your records.
  • An accurate due date ensures a smoother process.
  • To set a default date per your preferences, review your financial settings.
Include Time/Expense Through
  • Can default to today’s date, or to the last day of the previous month.
  • Review this date to ensure all time/expense entries included are within the appropriate date range.
  • To change the default for this field, review your Firm Preferences.

Advanced Settings Section

Field Description
  • Optional field for entering a description, additional terms, or notes that you want to appear on the invoice.
  • Appears atop the invoice for any of our default invoice templates
Overhead Charges
  • Apply overhead charges to the invoice.
  • If your firm applies these charges on a regular basis, you can set a default within your Financial Settings.
Late Fees
  • Fixed amount only
  • Added to the invoice total and documented on the invoice.
Finance Charges
  • Fixed amount only
  • Added to the invoice total and documented on the invoice.
Total Tax Applied
  • If you set up tax on the matter, or added tax to individual entries within the invoice, then this field lists the total tax.
  • For additional information, see Applying Tax to an Invoice.
Include Cover Page
  • Check this box to use the cover page template for your invoice.
  • To include a cover page with every invoice, change your Invoice Settings.
Discount is taxable
  • Un-checking this box prevents the discount from reducing the invoice’s taxable total.
Group identical soft cost charges for Invoice Printing
  • Check this box to group soft costs on the invoice.
  • Most users prefer to show cost-recovery items such as photocopies and telephone as a single line item rather than individual line items.
  • With this flag, soft cost items that have identical titles, descriptions, and rates will be combined when printing the invoice.

From Activities

Field Description
First Invoice #
  • System generates this number.
  • Editable field
  • System will not permit duplicate numbers.
Invoice Date
  • Defaults to today’s date
  • Editable field
Due Date
  • The date invoice payment is due.
Unbilled Time/Expenses Through
  • Balances displayed include time and expense cards through this date.
  • If unbilled fixed and contingency matters are filtered for inclusion and meeting the matter open date requirement, they will be included in this total.
Matters Opened Through
  • Only matters with an opened date up to and including the Matters Open Through date will be included.
  • The associated unbilled balance is based on the Time/Expense date.
  • Those with no unbilled balance will not display.

Advanced Settings Section

Field Description
  • Use this field to provide a general description about the invoice to the client. This description is printed on the invoice and is not to be used for keeping internal notes.
Group identical soft cost charges for Invoice Printing
  • Check this box to group soft costs on the invoice.
  • Most users prefer to show cost-recovery items such as photocopies and telephone as a single line item rather than individual line items.
  • With this flag, soft cost items that have identical titles, descriptions, and rates will be combined when printing the invoice. 

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