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Firm Settings

Note: Have your account administrator confirm your account is set up properly before you use the application.

Your account administrator may need to modify your user-defined settings before you can view Firm Settings.

Access Firm Settings

To access Firm Settings:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Setup.
  2. From the Setup left navigation, click Firm Settings.
    The Firm Settings screen opens, displaying tabs atop the screen.

Financial Tab

Billing Settings

Apply Rate
Rate Level
  • Default rate level you prefer when creating matters.
  • Most users make Default their default rate level.
    Note: You can override the firm default rate level at matter level or while creating a timecard.
Billing Method
  • Select your most common billing method.
Billing Frequency
  • Select the Billing Frequency based on your firm’s needs.

Note: After making your changes, in the upper right corner, click Save.

Misc Settings

Min Timer Unit
  • As a default, entered time rounds to the nearest 6th minute (10ths of an hour).
  • You can change to a different increment or enter 1 to bill actual time.
Invoice is due NET
  • Defaults to 30 days.
  • If your firm’s policy is different, select the number of days preferred.
  • To have your invoices state Due Upon Receipt, enter 0.
Overhead Charges
  • You can apply overhead charges to Time Cards, Expense Cards or both.
  • In addition to the dollar, pound, yen, euro, and ruble are available.

Note: After making your changes, in the upper right corner, click Save.

Tax Settings

Default Matter Tax Status
  • Default tax methods for new matters.
  • Taxable matters’ time & expense cards default to taxable status.
  • Your options include none, taxable, out of state, or nontaxable.
Enable an Additional Tax Rate
  • Enable only if your jurisdiction requires separate taxes, such as federal and state/provincial taxes.
Sales Tax
  • For taxable matters, this tax rate applies to matter cost (expense cards, overhead).
Service Tax
  • For taxable matters, this tax rate would be applied to your timecards.  
Tax ID
  • Enter when necessary.

Note: After making your changes, in the upper right corner, click Save.

Collected Fee Allocation Settings

Originating Attorney’s Default Fee Allocation
  • Default value of collected fee allocation for matter producer(s).
Responsible Attorney’s Default Fee Allocation
  • Default value of collected fee allocation for the responsible attorney(s).
Timekeeper’s Default Fee Allocation
  • Default value of collected fee allocation for Timekeeper(s).

For additional information, see:

Note: After making your changes, in the upper right corner, click Save.

Finance Charge Settings

Calculate Finance Charges
  • Enables finance charge calculations based on overdue balances when generating invoices.
Annual Interest Rate
  • Set your rate in this field.
Finance Charge Type
  • Simple Interest does not include past finance charges when calculating new charges.
  • Compound Interest includes past finance charges when calculating new charges.
Grace Period
  • Number of days beyond the due date before finance charge calculations begin.
Threshold Finance Charge
  • The threshold amount over which finance charge will be added.

Note: After making your changes, in the upper right corner, click Save.

Firm Preferences

Note: Before editing Firm Preferences, be sure to Set Up Your Bank Accounts.

Default Operating Bank
  • Set your operating bank, or the one used most often, as your default.
  • Automatically completes the Bank field in transactions.
  • Set to Select if you prefer to not set a default.
Default Trust Bank
  • Set your trust bank, or the one used most often, as your default.
  • Displays as the default trust bank when adding a matter.
  • Set to Select if you prefer to not set a default.
Default Timekeeper
  • Set your timekeeper, or the one who enters time most often, as your default.
  • Populates the Timekeeper field on timecards.
  • Set to Select if you prefer to not set a default.
Default Matter Owner
  • Set your matter owner, or the one who enters most often, as your default.
  • Populates the Matter Owner field on timecards.
  • Set to Select if you prefer to not set a default.
Use Client Name
  • Default client name format within your client list.
  • As a default Original Name is First, Last and Display Name or Preferred Name is Last, First.
  • You can view these under Contact > Client. Select a client and click Edit.
Print Client Name
  • Default client name format for invoices and checks.
  • As a default Original Name is First, Last and Display Name is Last, First.
  • You can view these under Contact > Client. Select a client and click Edit.
Unbilled Entries/Matters Through
  • When generating an invoice, you set the From and To dates to determine which unbilled entries and matters to include.
  • If you tend to include everything through today, you can change this setting to that default.
Enable class-based tracking for non-matter transactions
  • Class tracking allows income statement and balance sheet generation according to the firm’s defined profit centers.
Enable class-based tracking for matter related transactions
  • Matter transaction classes can be derived from matter owner or timekeeper.
  • Use this option for more granular class assignments.
Enable Kanban/Project Management for all new matters
  • Enabling this feature will require all new matters to fill in the fields for Project Management.
  • These matters will be assigned a Matter Type and Workflow Status and can also be managed in the Matter Type Workflow Kanban board.
Time Display Format
  • Controls time format on invoices and reports.
  • For example, 01:30 or 1.5 hrs.
Send email when Task is completed
  • Configure the system default to send email when a task is completed by choosing Yes/No from the drop-down.
  • Firm users can choose to set their own default under Setup > My Settings > My Preferences.

Note: After making your changes, in the upper right corner, click Save.

Check Settings

Default Check Print
  • Defaults to Computer Checks, which means you print your checks from Rocket Matter.
  • If you prefer to hand-write checks, change to Manual Checks.
Default Check Style
  • Options include Check & two stubs, three checks, and stub, check, stub.
Checks: Print Additional Info (Operating)
  • Include additional information to print on operating checks.
Checks: Print Additional Info (Trust)
  • Include additional information to print on trust checks.
Checks: Print Sub-Account: Location
  • Controls sub-account number location printing on the check.
  • Only applicable if you select Separate Sub Accounts when entering your bank.
Checks: Print Memo 2 on Stub 2
  • You have the option to print your internal memo (Memo2) on the second stub, which is the stub for your records.
Print Full State/Province Name
  • Determines whether the full state or province name displays on printed checks.
Font Size
  • Select a Check template format from font sizes 9 to 12.
  • The selected font size will apply only to the check and not the stub.
Check Print Offset (Check Printing Only)
  • To accommodate various printers, we provide an offset setting.
  • Value must stay between 0 and 2.
  • If the text is too high, increase this number.
  • If the text is too low, decrease this number.

Note: After making your changes, in the upper right corner, click Save.

Trust Settings

Trust Retainer Debit Payable To
  • Default payee when trust funds are used to pay invoices.
Future Dated Transaction Warning
  • If applied, Rocket Matter will alert you when you are creating future-dated transactions.

Note: After making your changes, in the upper right corner, click Save.

Bank Settings

Show Warning when Expenses Don’t Include Tax
  • Set to Yes to track sales and goods taxes paid on office expenses.
  • Warns if there is no allocation to tax when entering expenses.
Allow Operating Retainer Transactions
  • If you practice in an area that does not allow operating retainers, you can disable that function here.
Transaction Method is required
  • Makes reporting clearer. Check the compliance reporting requirements with your jurisdiction before deciding.
Transaction Memo is required
  • Makes the memo note field a required field.
Show Paid Tax Inputs for Business Transactions
  • Show paid tax inputs in the transaction screen.
Include items in Deposit Slip Reports
  • Check the fields (client name, matter name, matter file number) you would like to display in Deposit Slip and Deposit Summary report

Note: After making your changes, in the upper right corner, click Save.

Document Settings

Default Document App
  • Rocket Matter is the default.
  • Select your preferred document storage provider.
Matter Folder Root Path
  • You can configure additional sub-folders that will be used when creating new Matter Folders.
Matter Folder Name
  • You can configure which matter fields can be used to generate the default Matter Folder name for new matters.

Important: You must have an account with a document storage provider before linking it to Rocket Matter.

Auto Numbering

Auto generate Client Id (Custom)
  • Enable or disable auto-generating Client IDs.
  • Choose from three formatting options for auto-generated client IDs.
  • Apply the scheme to existing contacts.
Auto generate Matter File Number (Custom)
  • Auto-generate your matter file numbers, or disable the feature.
  • Choose from four formatting options for auto-generated matter file numbers.
  • Apply the scheme to existing matters.

Firm Branding

Upload your firm’s logo for the website payment link, and intake forms.

Email Forwarding

  • Enable email forwarding from your firm into Rocket Matter.
  • The system provides the forwarding email address needed for email integration.

Intake Form

  • Enable the Intake Form feature to create new templates or send Intake Forms.

Client Portal

  • Enable or disable the ability to share documents with your clients.
  • Check the boxes to choose which items to share.
Send daily digest emails to client with summary of new activities of the day.
  • Digest emails provide a summary of important information such as upcoming meetings, overdue tasks, daily activities, and more.
  • Modify digest email preferences at the user level under My Settings.
Send email notification to Client when a new item is shared with the Client
  • Enable or disable automated email notifications to clients when sharing an item with them.
Send email notification to client portal parties when client uploads a new document.
  • Enable or disable the ability to receive email notifications when a client uploads a new document to the portal.

Send Daily Digest Emails to All Users

Send daily digest emails to all users.
  • Digest emails provide a summary of important information such as upcoming meetings, overdue tasks, daily activities, and more.
  • Modify digest email preferences at the user level under My Settings.

Note: After making your changes, in the upper right corner, click Save.


We recommend you have your bookkeeper review these settings. For additional information regarding legal accounting setup, see Getting Started With Legal Accounting.

Chart Of Account Defaults

Default Accounts for Client Costs Posted to Matters
  • Select the default account for matter costs.
Default Legal Fee Income Chart Of Account
  • Select the default account for your legal fee income.
Default Trust Transaction Account
  • Select the default account for trust account transactions.
    Note: Only 2300 and 2310 and their sub-accounts will appear in this drop-down.

Account Books Settings

Reporting Method
  • Select either the cash or accrual tax reporting basis for your firm.
1st Month of Fiscal Year
  • Select the first month of your fiscal year.
1st Month of Income Tax Year
  • Select the first month of your income tax year.
Dates through which books are closed
  • Specify book closing date to prevent accidental edits in closed duration.

Default Accounts for Sales and Service Taxes

  • Set your default accounts for sales and services taxes.

Negative Soft Cost Expense

  • Enabling this allows timekeeper to record negative expense entry.


Note: Only enable eBilling if your firm requires the use of UTBMS Codes Billing. eBilling does not refer to the ability to email invoices.

For additional information, see Set Up and Manage eBilling.

Note: After making your changes, in the upper right corner, click Save.

Invoice Settings

Invoice Templates

Choose the invoice formats your firm will use. You can preview and edit templates, as well as restore previous versions.

Invoice Print Settings

Include Client Transactions
  • Four options for displaying your client’s transactions at the bottom of the invoice.
  • Can also be set to not display.
Include Cover Page
  • Check to include a cover page with each invoice.
Header Height
  • Adjust this spacing when customizing your invoice header.
  • Increase the value to increase the header’s height, decrease to reduce the header’s height.
Include Country
  • When applied, includes the country in the invoice billing address.
Include Credit Card Payment Link In Invoices
  • If you have integrated a payment processing app, a link will appear on your emailed invoices.
Label for Payment Link
  • You can choose to include the default label for payment link or edit the label and enter text of your choice and click the check mark (√).
Invoice Amount Multiplier
  • Multiplier for currency conversion, if applicable.
  • Static field.
Download Format
  • Combined: All the invoices will download in one document.
  • Individual Files (zip format): The invoices will download individually in a zip folder.
  • You can choose whether to print the task, the description, or both on your invoice.
Footer Height
  • Adjust this spacing when customizing your invoice footer
  • Increase the value to increase the footer’s height, decrease to reduce the footer’s height.
Include Full State/Province Name
  • When applied, includes the full state or province name in the invoice billing address.
Include Invoice Page Number
  • Enables page numbers on your invoices.

Invoice Approval Settings

Enable Invoice Approval Process
  • If you check the box, the invoices will initially be in draft. To finalize the invoices, user with permission will have to approve them.

Trust Auto Apply

If you enable Trust Auto Apply, when generating an invoice, you will be able to auto apply trust funds associated with a matter to your firm’s operating account.

Method From the drop-down, select the payment method.
Pay To Enter your firm name in the field.
Memo 1 Enter Trust to General Transfer or any other suitable memo.
Memo 2 This is an optional field.
Reference # Enter a reference number if desired.
Operating Account From the drop-down, select the operating account where you wish the trust funds to be deposited.

Invoice Email Settings

Client Primary Email
  • As a default, invoice emails are sent to the client’s primary email address.
  • Cannot be disabled.
Copy Invoice Email to Firm’s Email Address (firm’s email address will show here)
  • This option sends a copy of an emailed invoice to the firm’s email address.
  • Enter the firm’s email address under Setup > Firm Settings > Firm Information.
Default Email Subject
  • The default subject line for invoice emails.
  • Can be a mix of text and invoice field code.
Expire Link after
  • Prohibits a client from downloading an invoice after this number of days elapses.

Delivery Options

By default, when emailing invoices, the invoice itself is accessed by a downloadable link. This allows for invoice read receipts, better security, and more granular delivery control. This also eliminates email attachment size restrictions. If you prefer to send as an email attachment, you can change the setting below. This setting will only apply to emails which meet the attachment count listed. Please see tooltips for more detail.

Always send as a downloadable link
  • When choosing this option, all invoices will be accessed via a link which appears as a “view/download invoice” button in the email body. With that you can revoke the invoice before being read, receive a read receipt once downloaded by your client (see below), and ensure delivery for large file sizes.
Send as an email attachment, if the email contains _ or less invoices
  • When choosing this option, your default preference will be for invoices to be sent as an email attachment. If the number of attachments per email exceeds the count set here (maximum of 3) these emails will include a downloadable link instead.  This is to avoid any email delivery issues for larger file sizes. When sent as an attachment, you lose the ability to revoke invoices or receive read receipts.
Send Invoice Download Notification to the Firms Emails Address
  • Send an invoice download notification to the firm’s email address as defined under the Setup > Firm Information.

Note: After making your changes, in the upper right corner, click Save.

Email Templates

Warning: Be sure not to edit items inside of [brackets].

Edit the email templates used for:

  • Emailing invoices
  • Invoice reminders
  • Retainer replenishment requests
  • Online retainer payment requests
  • Intake forms

Note: After making your changes, in the upper right corner, click Save.

Firm Information

Firm information prints on invoice headers and various system reports.

  • Confirm this information appears as you want it to appear on invoices and reports.
  • The Bookkeeper field is used as the signature line at the bottom of our cover page template, low retainer reminders, and online trust retainer payments.

Note: After making your changes, in the upper right corner, click Save.

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