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August 23, 2024

We’ve added several new features to the application, including trust holds, global search, three matter-billing reports, keyboard shortcuts, and more.


Trust Hold

If you do not wish to use a matter’s trust account against invoice payments or refunds, you can place a hold for a certain number of days, or indefinitely on a deposit transaction. You can even set a hold for a specific transaction method both at the firm level and at the matter level.

No matter where you are in the software, just enter the first three letters of the search term in the Global Search and all related results in different areas will be displayed.

Matter Billing Reports

 Within a Matter’s Billing > Time and Expense section, you will find reports that are related to the matter – Matter Billing Log, Client-Matter Ledger, and Matter Billing Hours.

Keyboard Shortcut

Quick access to the Keyboard Shortcuts menu directly in the application.

Applied Filters

If you have applied any filters while downloading a report, the system will retain your selection. 


  • You will be able to save a third-party bill after you add a value in the amount and payee fields.

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