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Generate an eBill (LEDES 2.0)

Note: Before you generate an eBill, make sure to enable eBilling by following the steps in Set up eBilling.

Once you enable eBilling for a matter, you can enter your time and expenses and produce an invoice.

Generate an eBill

To generate an eBill for a matter:

  1. Generate an invoice. You must generate an invoice prior to generating an eBill.
  2. From the Invoice toolbar, click Action > Generate E-Bill.
    The system generates your eBill and downloads to your preferred location.

LEDES 2.0 Output File

A LEDES 2.0 output file contains the information from a conventional invoice translated into a standardized machine readable format referred to as Extensible Markup Language, or XML.

These are the tags and definitions for some of the segments in the file. For more information click here.

@FIRM Detail the name, address, contact information about the firm which has generated the file.
@TAX Detail segment identifying the types of taxes included on the invoices presented.
@CLIENT The name, address, contact information about a client and point of contact within a client to whom invoices are sent.
@INVOICE Detail segment identifying the invoice header information, including the due date, invoice number, total amount due, etc., regarding detail charges which follow.
@MATTER Detail segment identifying the matter/case information and associating it with the client and firm matter ids found in the charge detail segments.
@TAX_SUMMARY Summary of tax by tx_id on each matter/invoice.
@MATTER_DISC_CRED Detail segment identifying the matter/invoice level discounts and credits applied. It is structured in such a way that the segment supports many types of alternate fee arrangements.
@TAX_MATTER_DISC_CRED Detail segment identifying the tax applied to discounts and credits in the @MATTER_DISC_CRED section.
@TKSUM Details the name, level, rate, sum of hours and costs billed by individuals on the matter/invoice.
@FEE Detail segment identifying individual fee charges.
@FEE_ITEM_DISC_CRED Detail segment identifying discounts or credits applied to the fee charges.
@TAX_ITEM_FEE Detail segment identify tax charge on individual fee charges.
@EXPENSE Detail segment identifying individual expense charges.
@EXP_ITEM_DISC_CRED Detail segment identifying discounts or credits applied to the expense charges.
@TAX_ITEM_EXPENSE Detail segment identifying tax charge on individual expense charges.

Bill Rejection

Due to the large volume of UTBMS codes and the preferences of many audit houses/processors to allow only certain codes, nonconforming bills can be rejected.

If a bill is rejected, we suggest reviewing the requirements of that particular client and ensuring you have the needed codes set up within the system.

To enable or deactivate UTBMS codes, click Improve eBilling Accuracy.

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