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Set Up Password Expiration

With the ability to set a firm-wide password expiration policy, Administrators have more control over the firm’s security . 

Enable Password Expiration

Note: By default, only Administrator Users have access to the Security setup area. To permit access to other users, you can edit their role under Account > User Management.

  1. From the main navigation panel, Click Setup.
  2. If permitted, from the Setup left navigation, click Security.
  3. Check the box beside User password will auto-expire after the number of days selected.
  4. Select the number of days in which you would like the  password to expire, minimum 30 maximum 180.
  5. You have enabled password expiration for your firm’s users.
    • Your firm user will get a warning to change their password 14, 7, and 3 days prior to the expiration date.
    • On the day of expiration, in order to log in, users who have not yet reset their password will be forced to.
    • When resetting, users cannot reuse any passwords set after the firm’s password expiration policy is enabled.

Disable Password Expiration

  1. From the main navigation panel, Click Setup.
  2. If permitted, from the Setup left navigation, click Security.
  3. Uncheck the box beside User password will auto-expire after the number of days selected.
  4. You have disabled password expiration for your firm’s users.

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