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November 8, 2024
We have fixed several issues this weekend.
- Users who have OneDrive integration enabled will be able to share documents via the Client Portal.
- Users will be able to add hard costs to matters without getting an error.
- Users will be able to use the Unshare option for files shared via the Client Portal.
- When an email attachment cannot be downloaded, the system will give a reason for the error.
- Users in a normal role can save changes to the layout of the Firm Dashboard.
- While editing a deposit slip, users will be able to unselect a selected transaction.
- The complete email address of the client will display while Viewing/Editing Contacts.
- Users will be able to add, edit, or delete document comments without the page refreshing.
- Users will be able to close the Filters window by clicking on the x icon.
- User will get the correct error message when deleting or renaming a Client Portal document folder.
- When creating a timecard from an email, the task name Email Communication is automatically added.
- In the Communication area, you will be able to use the filters correctly and be able to navigate through the email pages without experiencing a blank screen.
- Users will be able to successfully create a client from the Add Matter window.
- The Invoice Reminder screen will display the number of reminders that are selected to be sent.
- The screen will load correctly when editing unposted time entries in the firm timesheet.
- The Deposit Transaction page will no longer include the option to select a timekeeper.
- Users will get the correct error message when using a stored bank account with the Send receipt to the client option.
- The Global Timer will update correctly after user has used Bulk Create Timecard for the time entries.
- When adding a transaction from the banking area:
- User will be able to switch matters in the transaction form.
- User will see a loading spinner to indicate progress when submitting the form.
- If user does not select a timekeeper while adding a hard cost expense, they will get a message reminding them to select a default timekeeper.
- The Timekeeper Utilization and Billing Summary pages will display hours accurately based on the applied filters.
- User will be able to access the Invoice Details screen without delay.
- When tagging an SMS within the application, only contacts associated with the phone number relevant to the SMS will display.
- Users with relevant permissions will be able to save edits made to the dashboard.
- The correct page will display when trying to view split details for a matter without a file number.
- The error message will inform a user of the reason why a void trust transaction has failed.
- If a Bank has zero balance, the balance amount will display as $0.00.
- Users will get the correct error message if they encounter issues during Bulk Invoice generation.
- Editing data in the Contacts area will update the grid without clicking Refresh.
- You will be able to create a matter without selecting the Trust Bank.
- Users will be able to add and save Timecards, Matters, Notes, or Tasks from Quick Action.
- User will get a reminder to complete the Entity field if they check the box for Client is an entity.
- When using the keyboard tab, data associated with each column will be retained while adding the hard cost.
- Users will be able to send Low Retainer Reminder and Invoice Reminder emails without experiencing delay.
- When creating a timecard from the global timer, system will populate the rate level for the timekeeper associated with the selected matter.