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Customize Your Drop-down Menus (List Items)

You can customize the drop-down menus throughout the system to meet your firm’s needs.

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Add a List Item

  1. From the toolbar, click your Profile icon.
  2. From the drop-down, select Setup.
  3. From the Setup left navigation, click List Items.
  4. From the tabs atop the List Items screen, click the appropriate tab (Expense, Labels, Matter, etc.) for the drop-down menu you want to change.
  5. From the toolbar beneath the tab’s screen, click Add.
    The Add (Tab Name) screen opens. The screen’s fields vary depending on the item you choose to add.
  6. Complete the fields.
  7. Click Save.
    The system saves your list item.

Edit a List Item

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Setup.
  2. From the Setup left navigation, click List Items.
  3. From the tabs atop the List Items screen, click the appropriate tab (Expense, Labels, Matter, etc.) for the drop-down menu you want to change.
  4. From the the tab’s screen, double-click the list item, or single-click it, and then from the toolbar, click Edit.
    The Edit (Tab Name) screen opens. The screen’s fields vary depending on the item you choose to add.
  5. Edit the fields as needed.
  6. Click Save.
    The system saves your list item’s updates.

Delete or Deactivate a List Item

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Setup.
  2. From the Setup left navigation, click List Items.
  3. From the tabs atop the List Items screen, click the appropriate tab (Expense, Labels, Matter, etc.) for the drop-down menu you want to change.
  4. From the the tab’s screen, single-click the list item.
    • Then click Mark as inactive to deactivate the list item, if desired.  The system marks the list item Inactive and moves it to the Inactive listing. This step concludes the deactivation process.
    • OR Click Delete. The Delete Label message box reads: Removing this label will remove it from all the associated entities. Are you sure you want to delete the selected Label?From the toolbar, click Delete.
      Note: If you are attempting to delete or deactivate a Label, the Delete Label message box will populate: Deleting a label will remove it from ALL the items to which it has been previously applied. Instead, consider making it inactive as it will prevent future use but will not remove prior items.
  5. Click Yes.
    The system deletes your list item.

List Item Types

  • Options available for the expense type when you enter an expense card.
  • Assign descriptions and default prices.
  • Add, edit, or delete UTBMS expense codes when you use eBilling.
  • Add labels to emails, events, tasks, notes and more for easy categorization.
  • Matter type when setting up your matter.
  • Options to populate Memo1 for printing on your transaction checks.
Rate Level
  • Create descriptions for each rate level.
  • These appear when you select timekeeper rates on matter and timecard screens.
Contact Type
  • Use in contact details and conflict checking.
  • Abbreviations for words.
  • You can enter the shorthand code in various areas to create certain words or phrases.
  • The task you associate with a time card.
  • You can also assign descriptions, task codes, and task rates.
  • If you set a rate for a specific task, you can apply the task rate to a timecard instead of applying the timekeeper rate.
  • Add, edit, or delete UTBMS task codes when you use eBilling.
  • The title of the firm user.
  • You can also add, edit, delete, or export titles for firm users.
Area of Law
  • Create an area of law to organize your reporting.
  • Create a class you can associate with the chart of accounts, timekeepers, and area of law.
Billing Frequency
  • Create a billing frequency based on the unique demand of your firm or client.
Custom Roles
  • Add custom roles that can be assigned when adding tasks to workflows.

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