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Add an Overhead Charge to Invoices

Instead of itemizing soft cost charges to clients, you can include an overhead charge on your invoices to cover these costs.

Overhead charges can be implemented at the firm, matter, or invoice level.

Note: If your costs are taxable, your overhead will also be taxable.

At the Firm Level

To set an overhead charge at the firm-level:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Setup.
  2. From the Setup screen left navigation, click Firm Settings.
  3. From the tabs atop the Firm Settings screen, click Financial.
  4. Under the Misc Settings section, locate the Overhead Charges field.
  5. Designate a percentage in the field.
  6. To the right of the field, use the drop-down to calculate overhead charges for Time and Expense Card, Expense Card, or Time Card.
  7. Click Save.
    A Financial Settings message displays indicating Update successful.
  8. Click OK.
    Overhead charges will apply to invoices for new matters when applicable.

At the Matter Level

You can apply overhead charges at the matter level rather than the firm level.

You can also override a firm-level percentage at the matter level. Such changes would only apply to invoices for that specific matter going forward.

To apply an overhead charge at the matter level:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Matters.
  2. Single-click the matter to highlight it and click on the three dots at the end of the row and from the drop-down, click Edit.
  3. Scroll down to the Matters Details section and from the tabs atop the section, click Settings.
  4. From the tabs atop the Settings section, click Billing.
  5. Locate the Overhead Charges field and drop-down.
  6. Designate a percentage in the field.
  7. To the right of the field, use the drop-down to calculate overhead charges for Time and Expense Card, Expense Card, or Time Card.
  8. Click Save.
    A Financial Settings message displays indicating Update successful.
  9. Click OK.
    Overhead charges will apply to invoices for this matter when applicable.

At the Invoice Level

You can apply an overhead charge to a single invoice when you:

  • Add or edit an invoice from Matters
  • Edit an invoice from Billing

From Matters

To apply an overhead charge to the single invoice:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Matters.
  2. On the Matters screen, single-click the matter, click on the three dots at the end of the row and from the drop-down, click View.
  3. Scroll down to the Matters Details section and from the tabs atop the section, click Billing.
  4. From the tabs atop the Billing screen, click Invoice.
  5. For a new invoice, click Add Invoice. For an existing invoice, single-click the invoice to highlight it, click on the three dots and click Edit.
  6. The Add Invoice or Edit Invoice message box opens, as applicable. If the Edit Invoice message box opens, click OK.
  7. Take the appropriate action:
    • New invoice:
        1. Scroll down to the Invoice Settings section.
    • Existing invoice:
        1. If the invoice was approved, you must first revert it to draft.
        2. Single-click the invoice to highlight it, click on the three dots and click Edit.
        3. Scroll down to the Invoice Settings section.
  8. Locate the Overhead Charges field and drop-down.
  9. Designate a percentage in the field.
  10. To the right of the field, use the drop-down to calculate overhead charges for Time and Expense Card, Expense Card, or Time Card.
  11. Click outside the field.
    The system calculates the charge and populates the Overhead Charges field.
  12. Click Generate.
    The Matters screen updates to display your invoice change.

From Billing

To apply overhead charge to a single invoice:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Billing.
  2. From the Billing menu, click Invoice.
  3. On the Invoices screen, single-click the relevant matter to highlight it, click on the three dots at the end of the row and from the drop-down, click Edit.
  4. On the Edit Invoice screen, scroll down to the Invoice Settings section.
  5. Locate the Overhead Charges field and drop-down.
  6. Designate a percentage in the field.
  7. To the right of the field, use the drop-down to calculate overhead charges for Time and Expense Card, Expense Card, or Time Card.
  8. Click outside the field.
    The system calculates the charge and populates the Overhead Charges field.
  9. Click Generate.
    The Matters screen updates the Invoice Amount to reflect the overhead charge.
  10. To view the charge within the invoice, double-click the invoice to generate it.

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