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Sync Your Office 365 Calendar

You can synchronize your Office 365 calendar events in real-time with the Rocket Matter calendar. The integration is bidirectional, which means anything you create in Rocket Matter displays in your Office 365 calendar, and vice versa.
Important: Completing the integration will not sync existing Rocket Matter events with Office 365 Calendar.

Activate Office 365 Calendar Integration (Firm Level)

To activate the Office 365 Calendar integration:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Setup.
  2. Towards the bottom of the Setup left navigation, click Apps.
  3. On the Apps screen, in the Calendar Apps section, click the Office 365 Calendar on/off slider.
    The slider switches to On.

Sync Calendar (User Level)

To synchronize their own calendar, each firm user must:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Setup.
  2. From the Setup left navigation, click My Settings.
  3. From the tabs atop the My Settings screen, click User.
  4. From the Default Calendar field’s drop-down, click Office 365.
  5. In the upper right corner, click Save.
  6. To the far right of the Office 365 Calendar field, click the sync feature’s slider.
    The gray Off button turns green and switches On. The system prompts you to sign into Office365.

    Note: If you are already signed into Office365, you will not be prompted.
  7. Sign into Office365.
    Office365 prompts you to Pick an account.
  8. Click the applicable account.
    The Calendar Integration screen prompts you to Please choose the calendar you want to link with Rocket Matter.
  9. Click the radio button for your calendar.
    Note: The calendar name the screen displays should match your existing Office365 calendar’s name.
  10. Click Continue.
    A message displays: Office365 Calendar is successfully linked to your Rocket Matter Account!
  11. Click Back to Rocket Matter.

You can confirm which email account is linked to you Rocket Matter calendar by navigating to Setup > My Settings > User.

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